Controversies and Complexities in LGBTQ Health Care

Do you feel prepared to provide excellent care to your LGBTQ patients? Calls for social justice and corrective actions are being mounted by various and intersectional constituencies. These calls for social change must be reflected in improved clinical care, as well. What do LGBTQ patients want from their healthcare providers? Health professionals often think that they do not serve LGBTQ+ people, but Williams Institute data reports about 3-10% of the U.S. population of adults, depending on state, identify as a sexual and gender minority person. What are some of the ethical and clinical challenges that clinicians and patients face? This seminar, featuring a panel of MSU alumni, addresses these broadly understood health issues that impact the LGBTQ community, as we aim toward an inclusive and equitable health delivery system.
Emily Antoon-Walsh, MD, MA, FAAP (she/her), Seattle Children’s Hospital Regional Pediatric Hospitalist; Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington.
Barry DeCoster, PhD (he/him), Associate Professor of Bioethics and Philosophy, Department of Population Health Sciences, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
Henry Ng, MD, MPH, FAAP, FACP (he/they), Center for LGBTQ+ Health, Transgender Surgery and Medicine Program, Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
Recorded January 27, 2021
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