Ethical Implications of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for African American Women and Adolescent Girls

Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a new HIV prevention strategy approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use by uninfected, high-risk adult populations. PrEP’s potential as an HIV preventive strategy/biomedical method for adolescents is unknown. The presentation will present preliminary results from a study that examined benefits, barriers, and ethical concerns associated with Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) utilization and clinical trial participation among African American adolescent girls. Study findings have the potential to generate evidence-based data to inform HIV research ethics practices and increase just and fair access to HIV scientific advances.
Faith E. Fletcher, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor in the Division of Community Health Sciences at University of Illinois at Chicago
Recorded February 17, 2016
Faith E. Fletcher, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor in the Division of Community Health Sciences at University of Illinois at Chicago
Recorded February 17, 2016