Monica List

Assistant Professor
Center for Bioethics and Social Justice
- Pronouns: she/her/hers
- PhD 2019 Michigan State University
- MA 2011 Universidad Nacional Autónoma, Costa Rica
- DVM 2002 Universidad Nacional Autónoma, Costa Rica
Monica List is a veterinarian and philosopher specialized in practical and professional ethics in the areas of veterinary medicine, animal welfare, agriculture, and environment. Her philosophical interests include ethical issues of global food and agricultural systems, and the ethics and epistemology of interdisciplinary collaborations bridging science and the humanities.
She is currently leading the development of a series of veterinary ethics training workshops for the Clinical Ethical Committee at the Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center.
Outside of her work with the Center for Bioethics and Social Justice, she is Head of Research and Animal Welfare for World Animal Protection, an international non-profit animal welfare organization headquartered in London, England.
More Items on the Web
- Counting Women of Color: Being angry about “missing white woman syndrome” is not enough
- The face of Zika: women and privacy in the Zika epidemic
- Bioethics and academic freedom: thoughts on the "Bad Girls" case
- Mighty mitochondria: a tiny organelle that can, and should, save lives
- The "Jolie Effect": Managing Awareness, Risk, and Personal Choices
Selected Publications
Thompson PB, List M. Ebola Needs One Bioethics. Ethics, Policy & Environment. 2015;18(1):96-102. DOI: 10.1080/21550085.2015.1016957.
Whyte KP, List M, Stone JV, Grooms D, Gasteyer S, Thompson PB, Busch L, Buskirk D, Giorda E, Bouri H. Uberveillance, Standards, and Anticipation: A Case Study on Nanobiosensors in U.S. Cattle. In: Michael MG, Michael K, eds. Uberveillance and the Social Implications of Microchip Implants: Emerging Technologies. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global; 2014:250-270.